Nationwide Pallet Racking Services use fully qualified installers through the Storage Equipment Installers Registration Scheme (SEIRS), an initiative of the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) which was set up to improve safety standards where product design, manufacture and installation take place under the influence of increased health and safety legislation. All of our repairs are carried out to SEMA guidelines and tolerances.

About SEIRS:
Storage Equipment Installers Registration Scheme (SEIRS)
Benefits Include:
- Installation by professionals
- A means of verifying qualifications.
- Adherence to SEMA Guidelines and codes of practice.
- The SEIRS initiative is supported by the Health and Safety Executive.
- This includes the SEIRS Safety Training, which is based on an Installation Guideline developed by SEMA and the SEIRS ID Card and registration system.
The HSE has said that:
"The Health and Safety Executive welcomes SEIRS and the initiative taken by the Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association (SEMA) to improve safety standards. It demonstrates that SEMA is committed to raising both standards and awareness of Health and Safety issues associated with Storage Equipment."